Fifteen Art Therapy Activities You Can Do Now

Art therapy is an interesting field of mental health care that is based on the premise that expressing yourself creatively can enhance well-being and promote emotional healing. It can also boost self-awareness. While there are licensed art therapists, you can do many of the same art therapy exercises at home that you would do in…

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Create a Healthy Routine for Calm Sleep

Struggling to get a good night’s sleep? You’re not alone. Insomnia is one of the most common conditions in the western world. So, what can you do about it? Everyone has their own solution. Some people swear by certain teas made with chamomile and lavender, while others use natural supplements like melatonin. However, one of…

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Here are One Relaxed Day we are focused on provided content and tips to help you find peace and happiness in your everyday life. We believe everyone can use help with relaxation and stress relief and we hope our content will help each visitor achieve their goals.

Our Story

Our blog is written by real people who have worked through stress and everyday challenges to find peace in their own lives. Many have worked through things like addiction, abuse, or loss. These experiences can ether be a ending or beginning and we choose for it to be a lesson opportunity for growth.

We hope that you find peace and relaxation in your own life through the content we share.